twenty-twenty-three by Daniel Hughes

A year for the bold embrace of strength,

for measuring our word before speaking
so our words and commitments become
steadfast as the mountains of Nepal,

for the relentless pursuit of
Wisdom and Knowledge intertwined,

for the integrity to live deeply
in a way respectful of the most beautiful
and painful lessons we've been gifted,

for stewarding with care
everything already in our hands
before ever looking beyond,

for the bravery to stand straight as hell
stare down every demon
'til they burn away by the fire in our eyes,

to face everything and bury nothing
walk through the valley of the shadow of death
make peace with our walk
and shy from nothing placed in our path,

to abandon the frivolous and expedient
in exchange for the deeply steady,
meaningful and enduring,

a vear to lav in the trust
that life is at its heart
deeply Good.

a prayer by Daniel Hughes

if grief is the last cried echo

of deepest love,

it must somewhere

someday too be a quiet,

beggaring plea to take gently the mem’ry

of deepest love,

turn from beckoning apathy,

and carry this grace

toward what days and

love lie yet ahead of us.   

tarwater from hope,

hope from tarwater.

alife by Daniel Hughes

each month that passes, the more the little things matter and the less does everything else.

I am alive.

I am here.

deep breaths heal.

the moon won’t leave me.

late dusk wraps me in the gentlest hug.

rain, wind, cold on my face keep me alive.

the ground beneath my feet won’t move, holds me.

miles are walked one step at a time.

many-miles are walked one mile at a time.

I’ll always be home under the stars.

this world is ceaselessly & vibrantly beautiful, if I’ll open my eyes to it.

home —— to learn to garden the steadiness of my own heart, to know in the face of all blinding uncertainty I’ll carry these truths and steadinesses every step of my way, to choose as a way of life to see the overwhelming beauty in every season be it gentle or joyful or heavy as hell.

if home is where the heart is, it might first be within your own chest. close your eyes, feel your pulse. let yourself be human.

close your eyes, open your eyes to the unending beauty this life wraps you in through goodness and heaviness alike.

know your birthright and home under these stars.

orient, reorient your heart daily toward what matters most.

one small step at a time. you’ll be ok.

the ground is still steady, has held you faithfully through every difficulty and yet will on your path.

let the wind, rain, cold on your face keep your heart young & your laughter vibrant.

dusk hugs you goodnight, let her hug you.

the moon will never leave you.

breathe. let go and breathe, sweet friend.

you are here.

you are, wildly and beautifully, alive.

for the days you can't see anything ahead. by Daniel Hughes

feel the grass under your toes. no feel it, really, truly truly — set your phone aside, walk outside a moment til you find some green, however near or far it may be, take your shoes off. wiggle your toes in the grass. let your heart be a kid again. the earth is warm, she’s holding her warmth out for your uncertain toes and heart. it’s my own heart’s prayer, it’s a prayer for you, a prayer for all of us that with time we’ll make peace with the earth mother gave us to stand on, even in the heavy midst of the unclarity that wraps our hearts. be gentle with your heart when it asks for patience. your heart knows the way home, be still and listen. don’t forget to garden your heart today, dear, gently, gently please. these wildflowers, your favorite wildflowers that line this fogged mountain path have always been yarrow long before you ever knew their name, waiting gently to mend your bleeding broken feet. chase bravely and boldly what mends your heart softer and your mind stronger. that is healing, i think. follow what mends your heart softer, your mind stronger — it is hope too. no one has a heart and mind like yours. we need you for it. let your heart be brave, quiet, afraid and hopeful all at once. it will all be ok, dear. all, all, all all. the earth still holds you, she always has and always will. let her hold you. breathe, breathe. breathe. you are so deeply loved. close your eyes, feel the changes of the breeze on your face. the sun still rises, and even the densest fog can’t hold that light back forever. be gentle, let the dust in your heart settle. we’re all only looking for our home.